Information For Professionals | Alcoholics Anonymous Edinburgh & Midlothian

Information For Professionals

  • We are here to help you to help others
  • We want to cooperate
  • We do not affiliate ourselves with any external organisation
  • We won’t tell you how to do your job
  • We provide a free service

Welcome to our online information service for professionals.

To assist you in obtaining exactly the information you require, we have segmented the site into professional areas.

Each section consists of an overview of our work in your specific discipline followed by an invitation to receive further, more detailed information by email.
Together with any information requested by email, you will also receive a direct email contact address for an individual who has specific responsibility for that professional discipline.
Telephone: 01904 644026 or email email hidden; JavaScript is required for more information.

We never disclose or pass information to any third party.

Call our National Helpline for FREE on 0800 917 7650

AA Edinburgh and Midlothian is committed to providing safe venues for our meetings. We encourage group members to help keep AA safe by taking sensible precautions, both with personal belongings and by being mindful about giving out personal information.