Get Help With Your Drinking Problem | Alcoholics Anonymous Edinburgh & Midlothian

Get Help With Your Drinking Problem

People come to AA through many different means… chose the path that best suits you.

If you want to speak to someone in your area who has found a solution to the problems they had as a result of their drinking you can call our helpline on 0800 917 7650 to be put in touch with someone locally. All calls are free for both landline and mobile.

If you prefer you can simply turn up at one of our meetings – click here to find one near you. We strongly suggest that when you arrive you let someone know that this is your first meeting, that way they will be able to provide you with information that most people new to AA find useful.

Call our National Helpline for FREE on 0800 917 7650

AA Edinburgh and Midlothian is committed to providing safe venues for our meetings. We encourage group members to help keep AA safe by taking sensible precautions, both with personal belongings and by being mindful about giving out personal information.