Roundabout Magazine | Alcoholics Anonymous Edinburgh & Midlothian

Roundabout Magazine

Roundabout Magazine

Roundabout Magazine

Roundabout is AA’s monthly magazine in Scotland. It is affectionately referred to by the members in Scotland as “Our Roundabout.” Roundabout is a ‘meeting in print’ which carries the experience, strength and hope of our contributors.

It is greatly valued and avidly read by newcomers to AA as well as members with decades of continuous sobriety. For members living in isolated areas it is, quite simply, a godsend.

A majority of Scottish AA groups order multiple copies of Roundabout so it can be bought easily by group members and visitors to their meeting. Many individual AA members have a personal subscription to Roundabout so that they do not miss an issue.

A roundabout subscription is an ideal gift for an AA member at Christmas or on the occasion of their AA ‘birthday’ (sobriety anniversary).

Like all other AA magazines, Roundabout is unique to its country of origin. The contributors are mainly Scottish but the magazine does accept and, indeed, has regular contributions from countries such as the United States, Ireland, Spain, et al.

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