Legal & Criminal Justice | Alcoholics Anonymous Edinburgh & Midlothian

Legal & Criminal Justice

Welcome to our online information service for staff in the legal & justice system

After smoking, alcoholism kills more people in theUK than any other drug. One adult in 13 is dependant on drink, according to Government statistics.

33,000 people die each year due to alcohol-related incidents or associated health problems.

Alcohol is involved in 15% of road accidents, 26% of drownings, and 36% of deaths in fires.

A quarter of accidents at work are drink-related.

A.A. for Legal and Criminal Justice Staff
As a professional coming into contact with alcoholism you will be well aware of its harmful effects on the individual concerned and those around them, particularly the families. 60-70% of men who assault their partners do so under the influence of alcohol and 30% of child abusers have alcohol-related problems.

A.A. holds meetings in prisons and co-operates with the Probation Service.

A.A. Prison Liaison and A.A. Probation Liaison co-operate with staff in these areas and A.A. Public Information volunteers will give talks to staff in the legal profession on request by contacting the AA General Service Office in York (01904 644026).

What is the best way to get AA help for a problem drinker?
By far the best way to get help is to give them the A.A. telephone number (0800 917 7650) or to call the number while the patient or client is with you and hand them the phone.

The A.A. telephone helpline is manned by A.A. members with at least one year’s sobriety who will offer to arrange for a member to contact them to take them to a local meeting. A similar service is available by email by writing to email hidden; JavaScript is required

For more information please click here to contact the Public Information team of Alcoholics Anonymous.

We never disclose or pass on email addresses to any third party. You should receive the requested information within one working day.

Information for Prison Staff

Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for A.A. membership; we are […]

Prison – The Inside Story – Freedom Behind Bars

Becoming alcohol dependent is rarely, if ever, a conscious choice, but many prisoners find themselves behind bars as a result of crimes committed whilst under the influence of alcohol. At the present time there are approximately, 85,000 prisoners in England and Wales of which 63% are described as hazardous drinkers(1). Whilst inmates are in prison, […]

Probation & Scottish Social Services

Probation/Criminal Justice Services. Liaison within Alcoholics Anonymous The main object of liaising with the Probation Services (in England and Wales) and the Criminal Justice Services (in Scotland) is to carry the message that AA exists, and that its members are freely available to help those who have got into trouble under the Criminal Justice System […]

What AA Can Offer The Probation & Criminal Justice Services

Overview of Co-operation between AA and Probation/Criminal Justice Services Alcoholics Anonymous in Great Britain is structured into a number of geographical service areas known as Intergroups. Although these are not coterminous with Probation and Scottish Social Services areas, each Intergroup does have a responsibility to liaise with those Probation Offices and Scottish Social Services Offices […]